In this video, we’re going to configure our Trustsec domain between a couple switches and enforce Network Device Admission Control (NDAC)
Notes from this video:
Trustsec Domains
There’s an establishment of trust within this domain between network access devices
SGTs and SGACLs are downloaded to network devices from a trusted source
Using NDAC, network devices are authenticated and authorized into a Trustsec domain
By authenticating links, it extends that trust for the SGT inline propagation
So where does ISE come into this picture?
ISE is the central point of SGT definition, distribution, and provides dynamic classification
It’s the central repository for SGT-based egress policies & pushes the policy from ISE in the form of SGACLs
It’s the authentication server for endpoints and network device admission into a Trustsec domain
How does NDAC work?
It uses 802.1x port-based authentication and EAP-FAST to authenticate to the network and receive it’s PAC (protected access credential)
Some devices (like switches) support EAP-FAST while others (like ASA) don’t and you’ll have to manually download and provision those PACs
How does RADIUS EAP-FAST work?
The network device requests a PAC and the PAC is pushed to the network device from the RADIUS server (ISE)
Using that PAC, the network device builds a secure TLS tunnel to ISE
The network device is then authenticated to ISE
(Optionally) You may configure your Trustsec domain to perform layer 2 encryption and that’s negotiated during NDAC for 802.1AE encryption
aaa new-model
radius server ise
address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
pac key 0 ISEc0ld
aaa group server radius ise-group
server name ise
aaa server radius dynamic-author
client server-key ISEc0ld
auth-type any
aaa authentication dot1x default group ise-group
aaa authorization exec vty local
aaa authorization configuration default group ise-group
aaa authorization network default group ise-group
aaa accounting dot1x default start-stop group ise-group
aaa accounting system default start-stop group ise-group
aaa accounting update newinfo periodic 2440
aaa authorization network cts-list group ise-group
dot1x system-auth-control
cts authorization list cts-list
ip device tracking probe auto-source override
ip device tracking probe delay 10
ip radius source-interface Vlan100
access-session template monitor
access-session acl default passthrough
epm logging
radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth
radius-server attribute 6 support-multiple
radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req
radius-server attribute 25 access-request include
radius-server attribute 31 mac format ietf upper-case
radius-server attribute 31 send nas-port-detail
radius-server dead-criteria time 5 tries 3
radius-server deadtime 30
cts credentials id Sw01 password ISEc0ld
cts logging verbose
cts credentials id Sw021 password ISEc0ld
cts logging verbose
aaa new-model
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
aaa authorization network cts-list group radius
aaa accounting dot1x default start-stop group radius
cts authorization list cts-list
radius-server vsa send authentication
radius-server vsa send accounting
aaa server radius dynamic-author
client server-key ISEc0ld
auth-type any
dot1x system-auth-control
Uplink interface configuration on both switches
interface g1/0/x
switchport mode trunk
cts dot1x
sap mode-list no-encap
propagate sgt
no shut
useful show commands
show cts server-list
show cts interface gig1/0/x
show cts environment-data
show cts pac
show cts credentials