Stealthwatch Cloud Integration with AWS

In this video, we’re going to configure Stealthwatch Cloud integration with AWS. Stealthwatch Cloud is a security analytics tool that providea visibility, threat identification, and compliance. It works seamlessly across AWS, GCP, Azure and even your private LAN. After we're done configuring, Stealthwatch Cloud will be able to read the AWS VPC flow logs that contain all the network flow metadata. Stealthwatch Cloud then uses these VPC logs to perform entity modeling which essentially uses machine learning to create a model or simulation for every network entity. Based on observations, Stealthwatch Cloud can see if there are sudden changes in behavior or anomalous behavior in how the entity is acting and how it's being accessed.

For more information about Stealthwatch Cloud’s entity modeling, check out the at-a-glance here:

For a free Stealthwatch Cloud 60 day trial, go here: